Our custom chevron cleats typically range from 1/4”-2” high and are designed for incline angles from 15-35 degrees, depending on the material being conveyed. The primary function of these cleats is to prevent product rollback. Rubber chevron cleated belts can operate on traditional troughing idlers, as well as flat idlers and metal beds/pans. We strongly recommend having cleats indented from the belt edges to allow for proper skirtboard rubber placement, which directs the material toward the center of the conveyor belt. Many factory-made molded chevron belts do not provide sufficient recess to accommodate skirting, resulting in spillage and housecleaning issues, particularly at the loading areas.
We offer two basic chevron patterns, open-V and closed-V and recommend a “nested” configuration, where the edges of the pattern overlap.
The open-V pattern allows for liquid drainage through the bottom, while the closed-V provides additional carrying capacity. When either design is nested, the cleats are in constant contact with return idlers to allow for a smooth transition on the return. When a pattern is not nested, belt bouncing can occur which leads to premature cleat failure and belt tracking issues.

In addition to standard chevron cleats, we also offer U-shaped and Herringbone style cleats. U-shaped cleats are normally provided on close center distances for smaller materials as well as fines. Herringbone cleats are popular for larger and non-uniformed size material.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Popular for incline applications for aggregate, road construction, and recycling.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Popular for incline applications for road construction, recycling, wood chips, and grain handling.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Popular for incline applications for aggregate, road construction, and recycling.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Popular for incline applications for aggregate, road construction, and recycling.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Designed to run on pan conveyors and metal beds. Very popular in recycling and wood products applications.

1/4” high x 3/8” wide x 6” overall width molded chevron cleats running the full width of the belt. Designed to run on pan conveyors and metal beds. Very popular in recycling and wood products applications.

Popular 5/8” high molded chevron cleats on 10” centers. Designed for rugged incline applications and popular for conveying rock, sand, and gravel. Cleats recessed from belt edges allow for placement of skirting.
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