

Explicitly designed with industrial applications in mind the SAFETRAK Conveyor delivers efficient unit handling where it’s needed.





Roller Unit Handling Conveyors 12″ (300mm), 24″ (600mm) or 36″ (900mm) wide supplied in 2′ (600mm), 4′ (1200mm), or 8′ (2400mm) segments for your desired length.

Constructed of zinc-plated steel, the SAFETRAK Conveyor is built-to-last and easy to adapt and reconfigure on your site. The system is engineered for longevity and ease, as it is quick to install and robust in its construction. Due to the modular design, its adaptability keeps it economical to buy, ship, and install.

This versatile range of modular roller conveyors answers your requirements for reliable, compact equipment that will give many years of service without going to all the expense and delay of designing purpose-built units.

It is built up of modular sections which can be combined to easily and simply make the length you require. The sections are joined together using a unique joining system which makes for very fast installation time.

  • Heavy-Duty & High Quality
  • Robust Construction
  • Fully-Adjustable Stands
  • 2″ Steel Rollers on 3-1/4″ Centers Standard


SAFETRAK Conveyor Spec Sheet
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