
Dust suppression systems are designed around the principle that small, micron-sized water droplets are absorbed by the dust particles in the air. These heavier, moist dust particles then fall back down to the ground and remain on the surface. It is important to capture airborne dust particles with water droplets of the same size as the dust particle (figure 2) otherwise the droplet will pass over or through the dust particle (figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Many sites still use a fire hose, which is not effective due to the very large droplet size produced and high water volume, leading to unnecessary flooding and wasted water. This method of dust suppression also places your workers in the dust danger area.

InterQuip designs our equipment so water is atomized to the optimal size and can be positioned where the dust source is. The added benefits include removing people from the area who may be at risk from the danger zone and dust exposure.

Our range of atomizing nozzles produces a fog or mist that can be specified correctly to suppress the dust. Careful attention is given to the application to ensure water and energy isn’t wasted.


JETMISTER Dust Suppression Wheeled Unit

The JM35 is a revolutionary dust suppression machine that will solve most construction and demolition site issues. Adjustable from 11 to 38 yard throw from a diesel engine pump with a 90° swinging nozzle on a tilting mast.


JETMISTER Skid Dust Suppression Unit

The JMST is a self contained dust suppression machine that will solve your construction and demolition dust problems. With it’s 264-gallon water tank this unit is ready for work. Adjustable from 11 to 38 yard throw from a diesel engine pump with a 90° swinging nozzle on a tilting mast.


MULTIMISTER Dust Suppression Mobile Trolley

The MMT will get atomized water in those problem areas with or without mains water supply with the industrial-duty trolley. It integrates a 26-gallon water tank, pump and misting mast, and optional 42-FT misintg hose line. Available in 110 or 240V power options.


CANNONMISTER Dust Suppression Cannon

The CM10 will suppress airborne dust particles with it’s electric powered fan blowing fine water droplets created by special misting nozzles. It will suppress dust particles up to 32-FT depending on wind directions. Available in 110 or 240V power options.