7 Reasons to Use the Cannonmister

7 Reasons to Use the Cannonmister

The InterQuip CM50 CANNONMISTER suppresses dust and odor from becoming airborne and migrating to other areas. With its 50-foot range, low power draw, and eco-efficient water system, the CM50 is ideal for rugged, hard to reach spaces and projects. Here are the 7...
5 Key Features of the MultiMister

5 Key Features of the MultiMister

The MULTIMISTER is designed to suppress air bourn dust particles with high-pressure water mist creating fine water droplets by special misting nozzles. Our proven system consists of binding the air borne dust particles with fine water droplets which helps them fall to...
Top 5 Reasons to Control Dust with Misters

Top 5 Reasons to Control Dust with Misters

Safe air quality has been on all our minds this past year and a half. When it comes to site safety, being proactive in suppressing harmful dust particles is not only the law in certain states, it’s also a great way to keep you, your employees, and your neighbors safe....